
"We offer our guests maximum security for their visit to the restaurant!"

DESKO solution for Corona access control inspires gastronomy

The DESKO product innovation "Health Certificate Check" ensures corona-compliant access control. Not only at the entrance to halls and access to buildings, but also in gastronomy.

Andrea Bauernfeind, managing director of several gastronomic businesses, is already using the DESKO solution successfully:

"DESKO's HCC solution is a great relief for us because it offers maximum security. Anyone who has ever tried to manually compare the data from the vaccination certificate with the data from the ID card knows what I am talking about. The scanner provides a reliable check here - and in just a few seconds. Manual checking is much more prone to errors in comparison. In addition, we no longer have to touch the documents and smartphones because guests simply operate the scanner themselves. Our guests have become accustomed to it and praise us for the great and advanced solution we use to implement Corona compliance. It simply makes a good impression! So not only do I feel safer, but of course my team and my guests do too!"

The DESKO Health Certificate Check (HCC) is a complete solution and consists of a DESKO PENTA Scanner® Block and user-friendly software. This product package enables a fully automatic and digital execution of corona-related access control: in the first step, the scanned vaccination certificate is checked. This is followed by the comparison of the certificate with the scanned ID document.

If both documents are valid and the data match, admission is granted. In the event of invalid documents or other irregularities, the software issues a warning on the user's screen so that appropriate action can be taken.

The user can configure and adjust the access to the valid rules: vaccinated or recovered, with or without an additional Corona test. A simple concept that offers more security and is less error-prone compared to manual visual inspection.

Video DESKO Health Certificate Check

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DESKO PENTA Scanner® Block

Passport and ID scanner

DESKO PENTA Scanner<sup>®</sup> Block

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