Companies & Businesses
More security for you, a better shopping experience for your customers
DESKO provides solutions in two attractive areas of application for entrepreneurs and retailers: The rapid transfer of customer data to purchase agreements, installment or leasing contracts and ID-based identification for tax-free purchasing. DESKO products—scanners and readers in combination with authentication software—deliver security, reliability, and highest quality “Made in Germany”.
Tax Refunds
Facilitate Tax-Free Shopping
Would you like to offer your customers a tax-free shopping experience? Yet at the same time do you want to protect yourself against fraud as a merchant and maintain due diligence in complying with all legal requirements? The tax refund process is complicated and subject to strict requirements. Our DESKO solutions simplify the tax refund process. To this end, scanners and readers capture and store all the required data from passports and ID cards in a matter of seconds and, if desired, transfer data automatically to your in-house software. With this process, you can transfer customer data to prepared forms and also check the authenticity of the documents.
How do tax refunds work?
International customers may be able to reclaim VAT paid on purchases made abroad. As a retailer, it is important to verify that the customer is entitled to a refund voucher based on the ID card provided. The customer must show identification and enter his or her data in a corresponding form. A special software tool supports the tax refund process. Reimbursement will be made either directly through you or through a service provider contracted by you. For this purpose, the customer must present the invoice, the refund form, and the goods at customs. The customer receives a stamp and can then claim the refund. This tax refund can be obtained directly at many major airports or ports, for example.
How does DESKO facilitate your tax refund process?
DESKO products digitize the entire process so you and your customers are spared the manual process of filling out forms, which is prone to errors. You can also check the authenticity of the identity documents presented using our scanners and suitable software. This offers you maximum security. Electronic capture also offers advantages for the tax authorities. Tax authorities can fully trace the refund process and thus detect fraud and tax evasion.
Further, Flexible Security Solutions
for businesses and retailers
Do you want to control who has access to your building? Are you a car dealer and want to verify the identity of your contractual partner before concluding a lease contract? Do you want to verify the identity of your customers when selling luxury items? Or do you run a duty-free store and want to facilitate tax-free shopping for your customers? Security in business and retail has many facets and encompasses the most diverse areas of application. Our customized DESKO solutions individually address your industry-specific requirements. They reliably and efficiently meet your expectations for a state-of-the-art security system.
KYC – Use our products to comply with all Know your Customer regulations
To maintain the highest standards of security and due diligence, it is important to know exactly who your customer is. With KYC policies, you prevent fraud and theft, protecting your company and property. Our scanners and card readers with OCR technology for optical character recognition capture the data in the machine-readable zone (MRL) of identification documents, such as ID cards or passports.
This data enables certain checks to be made, such as age calculations. This is a valuable feature especially for retailers selling age-restricted items. But KYC checks don’t just offer many benefits for retailers. In combination with appropriate software, companies can compare the data of potential business partners with sanctions lists, PEP lists, and other blacklists. This respectability check is carried out in accordance with compliance guidelines. For your company, this check represents an important preventive measure to avoid being associated with dubious business partners and practices.
Authentication – Check the Authenticity of Identity Documents
Identity fraud, i.e. the presentation of forged documents, endangers the economy and retailers. If you want to check whether the identity or identification documents of your potential contract partner are accurate, then you should play it safe and reliably check the all security features of the submitted identity card with our proven ID card readers. This is especially important for dealers and retailers prior to concluding leasing contracts or installment payment agreements. The data read from the scanner or reader is transferred to the corresponding software. This gives you the opportunity to check whether it is an authentic identity document. Our DESKO authentication products thus help not only to prevent identity fraud, but also to prevent money laundering.
Access Control – Monitor Access to Your Premises
There are many good reasons for access control and also many options for implemntation. Our product portfolio assists you with reliable control:
- Admission control at events: Take care of reliable and fast admission control at concerts, sporting events, and other large events with our barcode readers for admission tickets and other tickets. The flow of visitors is effectively directed and waiting times at the entrance are thus significantly shortened.
- Visitor registration: Many companies attach importance to accurate registration of their guests. Guests receive a visitor ID, for example in the form of a magnetic strip card or a chip card as access authorization.

Data Analysis – Keep an Overview
The combination of reader and software facilitates data transfer and accurate data analysis. Calculate how many people attended the concert or soccer match and how many guests did not show up. Thus, our DESKO products in combination with corresponding software applications facilitate efficient visitor management for you.
Product Overview
From Authentication to Access Control – DESKO’s Industry-Specific Security Applications